Province Icons2 09 Pacific Hake BC

Pacific Hake

Also known as: Whiting

Off the coasts of British Columbia, swims the Pacific hake, also commonly known as whiting. With its long, slender body and silvery sheen, this fish is distinguishable by its delicate and fine flaky texture, and hake's subtle taste sets it apart; it's mildly sweet with a hint of brine.

Pacific hake’s light, non-overpowering flavour makes it a favourite for those who appreciate milder seafood adaptable to culinary exploration with seasonings and sauces—but still tastes like seafood! Whether it's the main star of a meal or playing a supporting role, the possibilities are as vast as the ocean they hail from.

Choose Canadian Seafood White Icon Pacific Hake

Health Benefits of Pacific Hake

  • Neurological & Brain Development: As a good source of choline and omega-3s, Pacific Hake may play a role in early brain development, neurotransmitter formation, and the structural stability of cells.

  • Bone Health & Enhancement: As a source of Vitamin D and magnesium, Pacific Hake may support the formation and health of bones while boosting calcium and phosphorus absorption.

  • Growth & Energy Metabolism: As a source of Thiamine, Niacin and Vitamin B6, Pacific hake may promote energy metabolism, normal growth and tissue formation.


Other Species

Choose Canadian Seafood White Icon Shrimp

Cold Water Shrimp

Canadian shrimp come primarily from the North Atlantic and typically grow up to 10cm in length. Their compact size and great taste make them ideal for salads, wraps, and snacking.

  • Excellent source of Vitamin B12

  • Maintains healthy skin

  • Supports the immune system

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Species Icons White Lobster


There aren’t many seafood species you can buy live, fresh, cooked, or canned, often in the same store. The pride of Atlantic Canada, our succulent lobsters are second to none.

  • An excellent source of copper

  • Contains antioxidants

  • Low in saturated fats compared to other meat proteins

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Choose Canadian Seafood White Icon Scallops


One of the easiest seafood species to prepare and one of the most satisfying. A few minutes in a pan or on a grill is all they need to add the perfect flavour boost to pasta, soups, and so much more.

  • Great source of protein and phosphorus

  • Helps nerves and immune system function

  • Aids in skin maintenance

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